

The plan on Saturday was to visit the single mothers in "Shobol Llin Llin." The bus strike was over, but we didn't realize the indigenous communities had a different agenda: block the roads. So a normal trip of 20 minutes each way took us 4 hours of looking for side roads, moving stones and trees, discussing with protestors to let us pass, and being patient until we could finally return home. Never did make it to "Shobol."


Then, at the end of the day, the church leaders from "Shobol Llin Llin" called us and asked to meet with us. They actually live in Riobamba, and they couldn't make it to their community for church meetings, because of the protests. So we ended up with a meeting at our apartment. After reviewing our experiences with the protests, we discussed future plans for the church, which included the need for a Sunday school teacher for 13-15 year olds, workshops on finance administration, and a new pastor. We appreciate their confidence in us and how God is working in their lives.
