Cachisagua in El Tingo


Four of the teachers at the school in Cachisagua accepted the invitation to come to our home in El Tingo for a brief "retreat" this weekend. This is part of our efforts to work with the school, the teachers, the parents, and the students. In our home we shared meals, games, and the bible. The retreat lasted less than 24 hours, but the time was well spent. We hope to continue our work with the school, Lord willing.




Cachisagua PTA


So we finally held a meeting in Cachisagua for the parents of the students in the local school! The community leaders said the best time was Saturday night. They announced the meeting for 5pm. To our dismay, no one showed up at 5pm. But they know their community. People come at night. So at 7pm we started with around 80 people. The room was packed! We shared about family conflicts and the need for parents to spend time with their children. (Very few do.) May God bless our efforts to help the students and their parents.


Capulispungo in Quito


We have a very faithful group in Capulispungo studying the FLET bible program. They continue their studies at the rate of one book every two months. Some are already calculating finishing the whole program in the year 2021!

I've never mentioned that we are also working with families from Capulispungo that have migrated to Quito. Presently I meet with them every other Tuesday in Quito for training on how to lead a home bible study. Here they are making a small, seven page bible I invented to use in the homes. On Sundays, they are also studying the FLET program and will finish the first level about three months.

We continue to serve where God leads, and pray for His direction in each and every program. How I pray that they could return to their communities and live at a decent economic level!

(Previous blog click here.)




Our activities are picking up in Cachisagua. Sunday, after six months of "vacation" the men have renewed their studies in the FLET bible program. It's slow going, but this course is about perseverance. It's not a "crash course." Actually, the communities have a way of being patient. "If we didn't have time today, we can do it tomorrow."

Faby continues with the vision God gave her for working with the school in Cachisagua. She has a special grace for working with kids. Today we visited the school to talk with the teachers about a date for a retreat in our house in Quito. We "hung out" for a good three hours, until the teachers finally got together. But in the meantime, Faby visited and talked with the students in four different classes!

We are also planning a meeting with the parents of the students on Saturday next week, and praying for guidance in planning what we're going to share with them.

