The Dynamics of Ministry


Saturday we drove to "Shobol Llin Llin" for Faby to work with the single moms, but they didn't show up. At the same time we learned of a delicate situation at one of the homes. Two of the church leaders showed up at the time. We all went to visit the home, but Faby was the one most indicated for the counseling. So I sat in the car, which now doubles as my "mobile office," with the two church leaders. The conversation led to the need to create a plan for the church. I gave a few suggestions, and then we found ourselves the next day in a planning meeting with all seven of the church leaders. They have all the activities planned, but no purpose or direction. I committed myself to develop a six month plan for their church, which aims at studying the Gospel, with a plan for three sermons a week, five bible readings a week, and twelve verses to memorize.

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