Theological Challenge


Today I met my new students: eleven in all. The director gave us one hour to work with them. We began by listing the Ten Commandments, and then decorated our title piece for the hanging craft. My challenge is to reflect with them on the meaning of each Commandment. Most of my time I spent learning their names: Dorian, Angelo, Zaira, Dana, Lucia, Naomi, Camila, Leyla, Mateo, Jairo, and Luis.
I have meditated on the Ten Commandments, and through the influence of Jesus' interpretation of the Law in Matthew 5, plus John Murray's book "Principles of Conduct," have come up with "The Ten Commandments Applied." This is the positive side of the Commandments, eight of which are stated negatively. So the goal is to see the reverse side where one has to actively pursue an objective rather than avoid committing an error. Of course you can also sum up the first four Commandments in "Love God with all your heart," and the following six Commandments in "Love your neighbor as yourself."
