September 2023

Worth the effort


A parade blocked the road. We had to make a detour. The town was celebrating the Virgen. We arrived late. Anibal wasn't there. None of the kids showed up for the Bible class.
Then Anibal arrived with two new girls: Anahí and Luna. We didn't hold a formal class, but talked around the small tables and reviewed last week's lesson and craft. Then Anahí told me why she had come. Nicol, (photo below), is her friend at school. (Nicol is our most faithful student in the class since February.) And when they get together at recess, they talk about God!
The apostle Paul often wondered whether his efforts were in vain or not (Gal. 2:2; 4:11; 1 Cor 15:2; 1 Tes.3:5). Just hearing that Nicol is sharing her faith with her friends at school, makes our efforts worth it. 1 Cor.15:58


God gives the growth


We have continued the Wednesday night Bible studies since February. It's been a small group, but recently two more couples have joined us. I enjoy Pastor Alberto's visit, because his church nearby is Quichua. So I get to practice my limited Quichua with him. The group is diverse, but we're getting to know each other better.

Staying together - part 2


I was doing pretty well with keeping the kids of all ages together for the Bible class until … we starting looking up and reading Bible verses. Then the younger ones got bored and restless. So … I had to plan one activity for the younger and another for the older. The craft (paper folding and drawing) they can still do together, but we really need another teacher for the smaller ones.


Practice Hospitality


Sunday, 1pm. We're about to sit down for lunch. The food is on the table, and the doorbell rings. A family arrives at the back entrance: Javier, Carolina, and their son Matias, whom we have known for several years. Carolina has worked in our home. They came to visit. We gave them some oranges while we returned to our lunch. Then we talked, played games, talked, shared coffee, solved puzzles, and talked. They left at 7pm. We all enjoyed the time together. More and more I'm convinced that people long for fellowship in a home. We can provide that. Romans 12:13 - "Practice hospitality."