Merry Christmas!


Christmas thought: he resigned his position as president to become the janitor. Phil 2:6-8. Who in the world would do that? Leave the throne to be born in the kitchen sink (our modern version of a manger).
Humility comes before honor in the kingdom of God. Prov 15:33 Luke 14:11

Our mom had put a small card on the refrigerator which I can never forget: “I said, somebody has to do something. Then I realized; I was somebody.”
The modern version would be: “It’s not my job, but yet it is!” Clean the toilet. Pick up the trash. Stop the car and help the drunkard lying on the sidewalk. What would Jesus do? What did he do? "The greatest is the servant." (Mt 23:11)

The Greatest Commandment


What is the greatest commandment? Jesus answered, “Love God, but the second is like it: Love your neighbor.” (Mt 22:37-39) John explained: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. (1 Jn 4:21) So how do we show our love for God? By loving our neighbor. The two commands are really one and the same!
And Who is my neighbor? Is he in the church or in the community? Both. But its easy to love those in the church. Serving outside the church is different. Whatever you did for one of the least you did for me, said Jesus. (Mt 25:40) Paul added, At the proper time we will reap a harvest. (Gal 6:9)
El Tingo is traditionally Catholic. They are our neighbors. We serve others to show our love for God. God gives the harvest in His time and in His way.

In the photo we are installing a security camera on the street by request. I continue to serve as president of our neighborhood. We continue to pray for our alcoholic friends in the park. God gives the harvest.

Back to Capulispungo!


Mario called me from Capulispungo. He wants help to start a Sunday school program for the children in the church. We can't visit them, but with today's technology we can talk, converse on Zoom, and send digital materials. Mario and Manuela have four daughters. (The photo is a bit outdated.) One of them, Lisbet, is going to work with the kids. I'm challenged to lend a hand long-distance, but Mario called us because of our friendship established over the years. The truth is, out in the mountains, they have few resources at hand. Of course, the internet helps greatly, but they still need someone to guide them.

Turn down the volume!


"Could you come and give us your talk about worship and music?" We had worked with Oscar and his church in years past and now he was asking me to share with a new group he leads. Oscar sees a few problems in the church he now works with: 1. The volume is too loud during the service, and 2) the songs are new ones that no one knows. Oscar had recruited me in the past to develop the music program in his church and now he reminded me of all that he had learned. I emphasized three points: 1) The principal purpose for congregating is for edifying the body of Christ (based on 1 Corinthians 14 and Hebrews 10:24-25); 2) Every congregation should develop its own hymnal with songs the congregation knows (or learns); and 3) The volume has to be below 90 decibels to avoid ear damage and to permit the congregation to really sing. (That's my three-day course on liturgy in a 30-minute session.) I was thrilled to return to teaching again at least for a moment. We held quite a singing session at the end with me playing the accordion. They kept asking for more songs, and my arms got cramps! But we reached the goal of singing "with on heart and mouth" Romans 15:6. (In Spanish that's "a una sola voz." The theme for my webpage


Legal work


Just because I like to read the fine print, I've been able to help churches with their legal work. This is the pastor of the church in Shobol Llinllin, a community half an hour west of Riobamba. I gave them help all this year to legally renew their Board of Directors. Since it took so long, now it's time to do it again. So I had a zoom meeting with the church leaders to discuss the next steps. Paperwork, paperwork. But that's the help they need right now. They've come to trust me, and since I live in Quito, where the paperwork is done, I can easily visit the government office. (I wonder what kind of work Zenas the lawyer did? Titus 3:13)