We heard you have a Bible Institute.


We have held bible classes in Capulispungo for four years now. First, a two year traditional seminary program, and then another two years using a structured inductive study of the life of Jesus. Word has travelled that Capulispungo has a bible institute. Did it take that long for the word to get out? I don't think so. I believe it takes that long for other communities to be convinced that the bible institute is for real. I've heard that other bible institutes have begun, but not lasted for long. So the key is perseverance. We don't have a spectacular bible institute, just one group of believers who want to study the bible and meet every month in a classroom with one professor or coordinator. But I think we have a good start. We continue to pray for direction in the next step: do we create more classes in Capulispungo or branch out to create extensions in other communities?
