Stay at home!
We began our stay at home in February. On January 27th I was operated on for a bilateral inguinal hernia. The operation was not urgent, but we finally picked a date. I was ready for the operation, and thank the Lord all went well. But I was not ready for the recovery. They told me after the operation that I couldn’t drive for three weeks! No one told me before the operation. So we had to cancel several future engagements and stay at home for a while, which ended up to be a six week stay in El-Tingo. Then we spent one week in Riobamba, when on Sunday afternoon, March 15th, our niece called from Quito saying that she had to return to the US within 24 hours. So we left Riobamba Monday at 6 am to drive to Quito, pick up Alicia, take her to the airport, and say goodbye. That left us in Quito when the coronavirus preventative measures were decreed. So here we are again in El-Tingo, staying at home. God is sovereign in all He is doing. May all look to Him and seek His will! Mt. 6:33
So what has happened to the ministry? Amid all the turmoil, both personal and international, we have received more visits and phone calls than ever before! So the ministry continues. Although, like most of the world at this time, we are waiting to see what happens after the crisis passes. Here in Ecuador, traveling is prohibited, and a 2pm to 5am curfew is in effect. Obviously this has changed our ministry:
In Capulispungo, we met in January to begin level 3 of FLET. They needed some orientation on the new material. We cancelled the meeting in February because of my operation. Then we did meet in March, or at least tried to, because most of the community was at a funeral. Now we’re waiting to see if on April 4th we’ll be able to meet or not.
In Shobol Llin Llin, the group of single mothers took a break, but they are anxious to start up again. Now, with the coronavirus crisis, we’re waiting to see when they can meet again.
In Riobamba, we were training a youth group to lead a bible program for children. They had just started the program when the crisis hit. On Saturday, March 14th, the crisis was just beginning, and only eight children came. After a few songs and games, we sent them home.
We continue to stay in touch with the leaders of the communities by phone, praying and waiting to see what God is doing in these times and how we can work together with Him.
Psalm 27:13-14 “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
Your servants,
Alan & Fabiola Gordon
March 27th, 2020